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Apply Global Macro Analysis and Supercharge Your Trading Performance

This 174 page e-book and accompanying video is more than just a collection of techniques. Get the blueprints for recognizing and capitalizing on market patterns.
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Welcome to a journey that promises to transform your understanding and approach to trading. 

In this guide, we delve into the intricate world of global markets, unravelling complexities and demystifying strategies that have long been the domain of professional traders. You'll journey through the nuances of macroeconomic indicators, learning how to decipher their impact on markets. 

Turn the page and start this transformative process!

What sets this guide apart is its commitment to practical, real-world application. We don't just teach you to observe; we prepare you to act. Through hypothetical and actual trade walkthroughs, we show you how to apply global macro strategies in real market scenarios, both in forex and equity indices.

What's included?

  • Videos
  • E-book
  • Risk Guide
  • Special Offers

Global Macro Handbook

A 174 page e-book on applying Global Macro Fundamentals to gain an edge in trading. This is a step-by-step guide that will show you how to perform Macro Fundamental analysis and apply this to improve your trading decisions.

Training Videos

Along with the book Fotis will additionally explain to you, in a mini video series, exactly how to perform and apply Macro Fundamental analysis, together with Technical, so you can discover the next big swing trade for bigger profits.

Access one of the Most  Comprehensive Books on Global Macro Analysis and Improve Your Performance

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