What makes Forex so “safe” when compared to other ways to make money with your computer is the fact that it is a tried and true method that has been around for ages – in the literal sense of the expression – and has made a lot of people VERY rich. One of the people who have hit it big with Forex is none other than the billionaire George Soros. Despite of what one thinks about the man, the fact that he is incredibly rich is undeniable as is the fact that he gained his riches through Forex.
Now, some of you may be thinking that since Forex is now based on the internet, how can it have been around for ages and how could people become rich through it before the internet? Well, in order to answer that question, we first need to understand what Forex is. Forex stands for foreign exchange trading and it revolves around foreign currencies. To put it simply, Forex is done by converting one currency to another that is low in value, but is about to go up. Once that currency does indeed go up, it gets converted to another currency or back to the original, thus creating a profit. It may sound a bit complicated but the fact is that it isn’t so much. It just requires some training and of course some practice!
Now, some of you may be thinking that since Forex is now based on the internet, how can it have been around for ages and how could people become rich through it before the internet? Well, in order to answer that question, we first need to understand what Forex is. Forex stands for foreign exchange trading and it revolves around foreign currencies. To put it simply, Forex is done by converting one currency to another that is low in value, but is about to go up. Once that currency does indeed go up, it gets converted to another currency or back to the original, thus creating a profit. It may sound a bit complicated but the fact is that it isn’t so much. It just requires some training and of course some practice!